
current shape of my life

Lately, I've been sewing together so many hexagons, I feel like the shape itself is starting to invade my life (kind of like when you buy a car and then start seeing it everywhere). So here are some fun hexie-shaped snapshots of my life right now—and if you look closely, you'll even see some hexagon-ception happening!

  1. current "to-read" stack—always adding more before I ever finish them
  2. my brand new job—as of next Tuesday, I will be a daily traveler of Interstate-40
  3. sewing hexagons—a new and fun, but also tedious and challenging needlework skill
  4. lady grey tea—tasty with breakfast and a nice change up from my usual spiced tea
  5. reece isabel—I couldn't love her any more and try to see her and her incredible parents as often as possible!
  6. chicken & rice—marsala chicken and rice turned out pretty tasty last week, and despite 4 days of leftovers, I'm committing to cook more and cook healthier in 2013
  7. proverbs 31—continuing the study with my sis and trying to be more purposefully in the Word

Hexagon photo collage idea shamelessly borrowed from Secondhand Sundays (Bekuh is cool).
Proverbs 31 image source: The Proverbs 31 Mama

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